
Deborah and PFS Staff in Ghana



Former PFS Apprentice Begins Fully-Funded Graduate Program in the United States


We are proud to share that Deborah Moi, a former PFS apprentice, has been accepted into the University of Central Florida to commence a fully-funded MSc & Ph.D in Chemistry.

Deborah chose to join the apprenticeship program because she saw PFS as the right organization to guide her with purpose, foster her ambitions and help her connect to her career pathway. It also helped that her professional aspirations matched that of PFS': increasing the competitiveness of the African food processing sector. 

She was an apprentice in the Quality Assurance Department of PFS Client, Eden Tree, a leading fruit, vegetable and herb supplier in Ghana. While there, she gained experience in HACCP development and implementation, food quality and safety monitoring, internal and external auditing, SOPs and more. She also capitalized on her apprenticeship experience at Eden Tree to scale up her mother’s modest fried plantain chips business into a flourishing one. 

Deborah’s goal is to become an R&D food technologist creating safe and nutritious products from indigenous Ghanaian produce, while enriching local communities economically. We wish her the best in her new journey!


Championing Chocolate Innovation in Tanzania

“Our dream is to become The Hershey Company of East Africa,” said Fatima Riyami, founder of NatureRipe Kilimanjaro, a female owned business in Tanzania that produces sauces, jams, cashew nuts, peanut butter, honey, and cashew candy bars. After experiencing issues with the chocolate coating on their cashew snack bars, Fatima reached out to Partners in Food Solutions and its network of expert volunteers for support. “We were experiencing changing color and water separation in our chocolate sauces,” said Fatima. “We needed the assistance of PFS volunteers to help make a better chocolate cashew snack bar and improve its shelf life and texture,” she said.

Hershey’s Michael Nolt, a principal scientist with more than 35 years of experience, has helped NatureRipe Kilimanjaro improve their cashew snack bar product. Since the project started in February 2022, Michael and the project team have discussed the different types of ingredients to use to stabilize products, like the agent for chocolate which NatureRipe Kilimanjaro never knew while working with local Tanzanian institutes. Furthermore, Michael has provided guidelines around what ingredients to use for chocolate coating for cashew bars including cocoa, glucose, and fat.

“We’ve been experimenting with new products and formulations,” said Fatima. “The volunteer’s trainings are very important as we are bettering the production of our products.” By improving the chocolate coating on the cashew snack bar, Fatima hopes their sales will increase and also give them the opportunity to be one of the first local companies to produce a cashew bar coated with chocolate. “We are very grateful for the support from Hershey team members, PFS and TechnoServe, who tirelessly hold our hands and help us achieve our goals. Through the team’s support and cooperation, we’re seeing an immense change and are excited for our future. We hold our heads high thanks to our collaboration with experts from Hershey.”

Q+A with Volunteer Client Lead Tiffany Dean

Please share a little about yourself and your role at DSM.


My life has always centered around agriculture: I grew up on a livestock farm in Lancaster, PA, then went on to study animal science at Penn State. I moved throughout the Midwest with a biotech company specializing in seed genetics and crop protection products, and I am now based in Europe with DSM. At dsm-firmenich, I provide direction on the global strategy of our Performance Solutions business, clarifying where we want to be as a feed additive company and how we plan to get there.

What was your main motivation for volunteering with PFS?


I have always been passionate about global food security around the world. After learning about PFS — specifically its work helping food companies in Africa provide communities with safe, highquality food — it became clear that this was an organization I wanted to partner with.

Describe your volunteer experience as a Client Lead.


I am a Client Lead for a company called NatureRipe Kilimanjaro Ltd in Tanzania. As a Client Lead, I am currently supporting the company by overseeing two projects: fruit sauces product improvement project and a cashew snack bar modification project. In my role, I make sure we understand how to best utilize everyone’s knowledge, experience, and insights, and are able to implement them to solve the client’s needs.

What is your favorite part of volunteering?


Volunteering is an incredible way to connect across various industries and functions for a common goal – helping your client succeed. I am amazed at the resourcefulness of both the client and the volunteer teams, and their ability to solve any problems that arise by utilizing industry contacts where needed to find solutions.

What skills have you honed or developed while volunteering with PFS?


I have improved my cross-cultural communication skills. With the majority of our team based outside of the US, I’ve developed the ability to navigate differences in cultural norms and expectations as well as different languages. This has proved beneficial to my everyday life, being newly integrated into a different culture and language in Austria, and with the effective communication needed across our global business.

What would you say to someone who is interested in volunteering, but hesitant to start?


There is no greater way to find fulfillment and enrichment from your knowledge base than to apply it to organizations that are building a better tomorrow. In addition, the PFS team provides a turnkey approach to volunteering, so there is no reason to be intimidated by the process or time management aspects of the partnership.

Woman in Tanzania with flour bag

Devex: Why food funding can't just focus on farming


Devex: Why food funding can't just focus on farming

We're starting to see much more attention focused on developing the middle of the food value chain in Africa, the food processors. Reporter Sophie Edwards interviewed PFS CEO Jeff Dykstra for this article exploring just that. As Jeff often says, "A farmer without a market is just a gardener."


Ebun visits Hershey Headquarters

Nigerian Entrepreneur Visits Hershey Headquarters and Meets Mentor in Person


Nigerian Entrepreneur Visits Hershey Headquarters and Meets Mentor in Person


Ebun Feludu has been entrepreneur from her early days in college when she was designing and sewing clothes for her peers. She also started a marketing firm at one point, but the desire to build not just a business but a legacy lead to the birth of the JAM Coconut Company in 2016. Today, Ebun has a staff or 31 and her company produces coconut oil and other coconut products.

About a year ago, Ebun joined the PFS program through a serendipitous encounter with our program manager in Nigeria, Toju Ukubeyinje. They got to work on several projects, including an ‘Ask-an-Expert’ to evaluate equipment for coconut ball production. Additionally, PFS offered Ebun a spot in our leader-to-leader mentorship program.

Ebun was matched with Dan Mohnshine, Hershey’s vice president of marketing for US confection, grocery, and protein snacks. She was connected with Dan who was thinking about a way to use his expertise beyond his everyday work. Together they partnered on what has become a journey of learning and growth for both of them.

“While I’m incredibly busy with my day job, I’ve found working with Ebun to be very rewarding,” said Dan. “She’s a very spirited entrepreneur and I love hearing when she has a big ‘win’ for her business.”

In February, an opportunity arose for Ebun to travel to the U.S., and Dan graciously agreed to host her at The Hershey Company headquarters. The three days were incredibly rich for her, filled with meetings with scientists, marketing specialists, branding experts, and business development experts from across The Hershey Company. These specialized teams helped Ebun consider new and different ways to grow her business, develop her product and better position herself on the market. Another major highlight was having endless Icebreakers to chew on, a mint that Ebun is particularly fond of which is made by Hershey.

The distance between the US and Africa makes this type of immersive experience rare, but is one that can help clients reimagine the possibilities for their business, reignite that entrepreneurial spirt within them, and also provide practical advice.