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Expanding Excellence Through Mentorships

Diana Mboya is a PFS apprentice who serves as a quality assurance officer with Abysinia Dairy in Kenya. Diana joined the company in 2023, after graduating with a BSc in Food Science and Technology from the University of Nairobi. As part of her apprenticeship program, Diana was paired with a mentor, Xin Stannard, a co-pack quality engineer with Ardent Mills. Xin’s approach to the mentorship was to get to know her mentee well enough to understand her needs and challenges and leverage her strengths and expertise to help her grow.

This month, their year-long mentorship draws to a close and Diana has some great feedback to share. "I want to give a huge thanks to PFS for the opportunity granted to me and especially the mentorship program. It has been invaluable for me." Diana's relationship with her mentor has been characterized by understanding, support and a shared commitment to growth. She shares, "I am pleased with the way the mentoring scheme has progressed and I feel that I have benefited greatly from being able to discuss not only work-related topics, but general life issues.”

Xin provided guidance to Diana on the relevant professional skills she could build. With her mentor's advice, Diana delved into a series of online courses, obtaining certifications in ISO 45001:2018, ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, Food Safety and HACCP level 2 (sponsored by PFS). She is currently working on an ISO 17025:2017 certification. Xin also took the extra step of investing in Diana’s professional development by sponsoring an online training course on Infographics and Data Visuals.

Diana acknowledges the personal touch in her mentorship, sharing, "I feel so comfortable talking to my mentor; it's amazing. I couldn’t be happier with the quality of mentorship I have received and with the way that this was all organized centrally by PFS." Beyond certifications, Xin has helped Diana to refine her resume and has played a pivotal role in shaping her perspective on career and success. Reflecting on the mentorship's profound impact, "My mentor has been a game-changer for me. Thank you so much PFS."

Diana's and Xin’s journey exemplifies the essence of a successful PFS mentorship – a collaborative effort of two parties learning from each other and growing together. As we celebrate stories like hers, we are reminded of the true power and impact of mentorship.