Earl Hensel


Earl Hensel


A volunteer story

Earl Hensel

Earl Hensel

Earl Hensel is an electrician at General Mills employee and has volunteered for Project Peanut Butter. Malnutrition is a critical, global problem that impacts millions of vulnerable children each year. It kills more than twice as many children as HIV/AIDS and malaria combined. Yet, there is a cost effective and proven solution that can eradicate severe malnutrition in our lifetime. Project Peanut Butter, a revolutionary therapeutic program founded by Dr. Mark Manary, is the most effective method to treat severely malnourished kids all over the world.
To date, Project Peanut Butter and Partners in Food Solutions have collaborated on many projects: reduced oil separation, production quality, ISO 22000, Malawi factory construction and set up and packaging film evaluation to name various examples.
Project Peanut Butter has partnered with Partners in Food Solutions since 2012.

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